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Djito Kasilo Present as a Resource Person at the Technical Guidance for Effective Basic Video Shooting in the Directorate General of Vocational Education in 2024

The Directorate General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology held a Technical Guidance for Effective Basic Video Shooting within the Directorate General of Vocational Education in 2024 on September 11-12, 2024. This event was held with the aim of strengthening public relations competencies, while building a positive organizational image and reputation within government agencies. In this event, Djito Kasilo , an expert in the field of Strategic Creative Director from Reputasia , was present as one of the speakers.

Djito Kasilo is not a new figure in the world of communication. His brilliant career began as a copywriter, and then held the position of Creative Director at several leading agencies. For more than 20 years, Djito has handled various big brands such as BCA, Danamon, Standard Chartered, Nivea, Telkomsel, and Djarum . Now, Djito is more focused on the Strategic Creative field and has joined Reputasia , a strategic communication consulting company supported by experienced experts.

In the Technical Guidance for Effective Basic Video Shooting in the Directorate General of Vocational Education in 2024 , Djito presented material on “Effective Government Agency Profile Videos in Public Relations Perception” . Participants from various state polytechnics and job training centers throughout Indonesia gained in-depth insight into how profile videos can be a powerful communication tool to build a positive image in corporate branding.

Participants get the opportunity to learn the process of making effective videos. Starting from audience insight, problem and objective analysis, harmonious message creation, and the importance of wording power in copywriting in creating narratives that can influence public perception. So, participants can create visual content strategies that are in line with corporate branding, and not just make videos just visual media, but must be able to convey strong, harmonious messages that are in accordance with the target audience.

This event is an important momentum for the Directorate General of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in improving public relations competencies in the digital era in campus and professional environments.

For Reputasia, involvement in this event is our commitment to support government agencies and other institutions in achieving optimal strategic communication. With the extensive experience of Djito Kasilo and team, Reputasia continues to strive to be a reliable partner in creating strategic and appropriate communication solutions.

#Reputasia #StrategicCommunication #VocationalBimtek #GovernmentProfileVideo #PublicRelations #StrategicCommunication